When it comes to your pregnancy, you are probably doing all that you can to make sure that everything goes right – you are watching what you eat, are being careful in your movements and activities, and are making it a point to stay positive and stress-free. This is an exciting time for you and your loved ones, so staying positive isn’t such a difficult thing, right? But if you want to have an even more positive experience, you should take advantage of an elective 3D ultrasound.
If you’ve decided to go for a 3D ultrasound, you should know that it’s a great way to see your baby – and to bond with your baby. You have to prepare yourself, though, so that you can have the best pictures and images and have a truly memorable experience. Here are some top tips to remember for a successful 3D ultrasound.
Choose the right time
In order to get the best images, the best time to schedule your 3D ultrasound is around 24 weeks to 34 weeks into your pregnancy. If you really want the clearest pictures, the experts confirm that the period between your 27th week and your 32nd week is ideal. For face close-ups, between 27 weeks to 28 weeks is perfect as well. The thing is that if you wait too long to schedule your ultrasound appointment (after your 32nd week, for example), there may not be too much fluid surrounding your baby, which may result in less-than-perfect images. Additionally, after your 32nd week, your baby may have descended deeper into your pelvis, which affects your view of the baby.
Fill up
Another way to have a successful 3D ultrasound is to fill up with water. This basically means drinking as much water as you can, starting a week or two weeks prior to your ultrasound scan. The ideal amount of water would be around eight glasses each day. When you drink a lot of water, your amniotic fluid will clear up, and there will also be more than enough liquid or fluid surrounding your baby. One more tip: an hour or two before your appointment, eat some veggies and fruit or drink some fruit juice. The sugar in the drink will help your baby ‘wake up’ for optimum images.
If you have scheduled a 4D ultrasound where you can see your unborn baby move around, you can help make it a success by choosing a time when your baby is usually active or awake.
Finding a 3D ultrasound specialist is not that difficult nowadays, although it’s always best to choose one who is fully qualified and who has a good reputation. Look for locally-based 3D ultrasound professionals by doing a search for ‘3D ultrasound near me,’ and you should be good to go.
Image attributed to Pixabay.com