If you have never been for a massage before, you may be wondering if there are any major rules to follow, but fortunately it is very straightforward. Usually, people focus on worrying if they need to shave their legs, but smaller details like this are not an issue and your massage therapist will not judge the appearance of your body. There are a few things to be aware of, but they are related to health and wellbeing. To make the most out of the massage, consider these contributing factors.
Stay Hydrated
When getting a massage, your circulation is increased and so is your blood flow – this can be naturally dehydrating. You should drink a lot of water both before and after a massage to help flush out the toxins that are released during the massage. Avoid alcoholic beverages too close to your massage appointments for best results.
Suitable Clothing
To be prepared for a massage, you will want to find suitable clothing to wear. If you are getting a back, neck and shoulders massage, you will want to wear something that can reveal those areas. However, you do not need to reveal more than you are comfortable with and do not need to be fully nude for the massage (though you will always be covered with a towel).
Check Your Skin
If your skin is too sensitive and irritated, the massage therapist may refuse to begin the massage – in your best interest. It is best to postpone your sunbathing plans until after getting a massage. To save complications when you arrive, be sure to notify them in advance if you have any open wounds or even severe sunburn so that they can avoid the area.
Plan Your Route
The last thing you want to do is struggle to make it to your appointment and arrive feeling stressed. This can close you off from being able to unwind during the massage. Plan how you will get to and from your massage therapist and always make sure to schedule the appointment conveniently so that you are not in a rush.
Tip: Avoid booking a massage that will require a long commute – if you are in Oxford for instance, search for “massage Oxford” to be met with relevant results and avoid your appointment feeling like a chore rather than a treat.
Shower Early
Both showering and getting a massage will increase blood circulation, so you want to avoid a hot rinse too close to the time of your appointment. Instead, leave a gap of a few hours to avoid sweating through your massage.
Wait to Workout
Working out will not only increase your blood flow and heart rate, but also work your muscles. This can interfere with the massage and you might not see as many benefits. Skip the gym the day of your massage; your body will thank you.
Ask Your Massage Therapist
Finally, do not hesitate to reach out to your massage therapist to clarify anything that you are unsure on ahead of the massage. They are the experts and will be happy to advise you, based on their own process.