With levels of CO2 emissions rising globally, and congestion in cities continuing to rise, cities are becoming ever-more toxic environments. Fewer cars on the road equal lower carbon emissions and congestion. Here are five ways you can leave the car at home to help reduce carbon emissions.
Using public transport
Due to the continuing coronavirus pandemic, you might dismiss public transport as an unhygienic hotbed of germs. However, there are steps you can take to make your journey on public transport as comfortable as possible. Wear a face mask and cotton gloves, which will keep you safe from any germs in the atmosphere or lingering on surfaces. Use antibacterial gel once you have disembarked from any public transport and keep antibacterial wipes handy—these are a lifesaver if you are sat on a seat that seems less than sanitary! By following these tips, you can reduce your carbon footprint while safe in the knowledge that you are protecting yourself.
Scooters, being smaller than cars, are more fuel-efficient and produce fewer carbon emissions. They have the added benefit of generally being more affordable and cheaper to run. Being compact, lightweight, and more easily maneuverable than a bulky car, with mindful driving scooters can help you to beat the congestion. With plenty of scooter brands and dealers for you to check out, for instance, Peugeot scooters dealers, you are sure to find a scooter you like that fits in with your lifestyle.
Carpooling is sharing car journeys with other people going to the same location, reducing the amounts of cars making the same journey. This works particularly well when commuting to and from work, and in fact, many employers have now introduced carpooling schemes for their employees. Additionally, websites such as BlaBlaCar are building a global network of carpools. So why not give carpooling a go? You might make some new friends!
Want to have your daily workout without paying for a gym? Cycling is the perfectly good method of transportation, ensuring that you arrive at your destination without producing any carbon emissions while also getting a rigorous free workout. With cities such as New York, who have dedicated to building more than 250 new bike lanes, focusing on improving road safety for cyclists, using a bike could soon become one of the most common forms of transportation.
Only using a car for essential journeys
If driving remains your preferred method of transportation, a meaningful way to reduce your carbon footprint is to assess the way you use your car. Do you jump in the car for every journey? Could some of those journeys be made using other transportation methods, like walking or cycling? After assessing your car use, make an effort to use your car only for essential journeys. So, use your car when you are stocking up at the supermarket, but cycle to your local shop to pick up a few essentials. Simple lifestyle changes such as this will reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your overall health.