Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to wait until you purchase your first home in order to create the bedroom of your dreams. If you’re interested in discovering how I turned the plain master bedroom, in the property which I was renting into a chic, stylish haven, simply continue reading.
How to create your dream bedroom even as a tenant: Tips and tricks
- Don’t use screw in hooks to hang up artwork
As you don’t want to damage the walls in the house that you’re renting, use hooks which use a gentle adhesive, instead of traditional hooks. I used such hooks to hang up a few carefully chosen pieces of art, including a painting which a friend had painted for me.
- Place a chaise, ottoman or sofa at the foot of your bed to add a bit of glamor to your bedroom
When I designed my dream bedroom, I wanted my bedroom to look like it belonged in an interior design magazine. So I played a white two-seater sofa at the foot of my bed. To make my sofa look more inviting I draped a mink blanket over the armrest of my sofa. Which instantly made my sofa look more luxurious.
If you plan on placing pricey items in your bedroom it’s well worth making sure that you have home and contents insurance!
- Invest in purchasing a stylish, chic rug to dress up your bedroom
It’s also worth spending a small amount of money on purchasing a chic rug, which you’ll be able to place in the middle of your bedroom or under a brand new sofa. I personally chose to place a white shaggy rug underneath the sofa which I purchased. However, as you’ll have your own unique sense of style there’s nothing wrong with
- Purchase a reversible duvet cover for your bed
If you want to be able to quickly change the look of your bedroom, it’s well worth investing in purchasing a reversible duvet, as by simply turning your duvet over you’ll instantly be able to change the look and feel of your bedroom.
I personally choose an inexpensive duvet which is black on one side and white on the opposite side. I tend to use the white side of my duvet in summer and spring and the black side of my comfortable duvet in fall and winter when it’s colder.
- Purchase blackout curtains
If you’d love to be able to sleep in until your alarm rings in the morning or to enjoy mid-day naps in the weekends, it’s a great idea to purchase high-quality blackout curtains. As once you place blackout curtains in your bedroom, you’ll be able to create a pitch black environment, during the day.
Better yet, blackout curtains can be quickly removed, when you move out of the house which you’re currently renting!
- Place gold accents around your bedroom
I placed gold accents such as gold photo frames and gold candlesticks on the desk in my master bedroom, in order to add a touch of sophistication and luxury to my bedroom.
So if you’d love to turn your current bedroom, in the house you’re renting into your dream bedroom, it’s well worth getting inspiration from the suggestions which I listed above! You should also consider having protection of your belongings or make sure that your landlord has you covered while renting. Homelet insurance or similar insurances are a good option in order to make sure you are covered in the event anything happens to your dream bedroom and rental property.