Constantly being around negative talk, toxic people, and unhealthy environments can lead to arrange a physical and emotional health issues. On the physical side you can find yourself with all sorts of intestinal of stomach disorders, headaches, and even pains.
On the emotional side you can experience anxiety attacks, loss of appetite and even develop neuroses that are directly related to how you spend your day. If you don’t change your situation and the people you are around these issues can develop into debilitating illnesses that can cause you permanent injury or worse.
For those of us who have high stress work environment like Walter J Viola whose job as CEO of Vantage Consulting is demanding and unpredictable, concerns about managing negative situations and people are very high and the need for tools and strategies to cope with and even turn around these situations is constant.
How can we avoid these negative consequences from happening and even turn them into positive situations where you are happy. Here are a few things that you can do always keeping positive and to make your life a happy one.
Create a zone of happiness around yourself
Your job may not allow you to avoid phony people who spread toxic rhetoric and the not the type of people you would choose be around. But what you can do is o surround yourself either literally or virtually with positive people that are supportive of your needs and feelings. You can ask close friends at work or way from work to be available to give you positive and uplifting support when you need it. You can call or text them and let them know that you need a few minutes of your time for them to provide you a boost. The key is to have several in case one is busy during your time of need. You can then call someone else in your zone of happiness to give you the lift. You should also offer to be in a zone of happiness for each of the people who are in your zone of happiness.
Learn to meditate
Most people think that meditation requires you to sit in a funny position on the floor with your shoes off, incense burning, and Eastern music playing in the background. The reality is that those meditate know that you can meditate anywhere and at any time. Meditation is simply the skill of being able to relax and attach your mind from stressful and negative situations. There are many forms of meditation but they all work for the same goal. Being able to meditate will allow you to sit in a meeting with a group of negative and toxic people and remain as calm as if you were on the beach. Learning meditation is a process that will take time, but you can quickly get good at it and it will stay with you for the rest of your life.
The first line of defense for yourself is to avoid toxic, phony, and negative people. This includes anyone who is a fraud or who constantly engages in illegal activities. These people take your energy and cause you to look at life in a negative light. So in addition to following the tips in this article, do all you can to eliminate these people from your life. This will be very important step for your happiness.